Case of ex-head of the State Property Fund Sennichenko: investigation completed

Case of ex-head of the State Property Fund Sennichenko: investigation completed

Kyiv  •  UNN

October 4 2024, 01:19 PM  •  5904 views

The SAPO has completed the investigation into the criminal organization of former SPFU head Sennichenko. The suspects are accused of embezzling UAH 700 million of public funds and legalizing UAH 10 billion through state-owned enterprises.

The pre-trial investigation into the case of a criminal organization headed by former head of the State Property Fund of Ukraine Dmytro Sennichenko, whose activities caused losses to the state in the amount of more than UAH 700 million, has been completed. This is reported by the SAPO, UNN reports.

The SAPO prosecutor has decided to complete the pre-trial investigation in the case of a criminal organization headed by the former head of the State Property Fund, whose activities caused losses to the state in the amount of over UAH 700 million. Its members are also suspected of legalizing the proceeds of crime in the amount of over UAH 10 billion

- the statement said.

The SAPO reminds that in March 2023, the SAPO and the NABU exposed a criminal group that seized funds of state-owned enterprises in 2019-2021, including the largest chemical enterprise in Ukraine, Odesa Port Plant JSC, and one of the world's largest producers of titanium raw materials, United Mining and Chemical Company JSC.

In the period from November 2019 to March 2020, the head of the Fund created a criminal organization aimed at establishing control over the most important objects of the SPFU's management in the mining, processing, fuel and energy and other sectors of the state economy.

The criminal plan was to appoint to the management of state-owned enterprises only controlled persons who would ensure the sale of raw materials, provision of services, etc., and use of state resources exclusively in the interests of members of the criminal organization. For this purpose, the management of state-owned enterprises controlled by the SPFU Chairman entered into relevant agreements with companies controlled by criminals on terms that did not meet the interests of the state, but allowed criminals to enrich themselves unlawfully

- the statement said.

The SAPO alleges that at the same time, the Head of the SPFU, together with other members of the criminal organization, ensured the identification of persons who were to control the activities of the relevant state-owned enterprises in the interests of the members of the criminal organization. Such persons, not being employees of state-owned enterprises, actually managed their business activities, giving instructions to their managers to conclude relevant contracts, determine the winners of tender procedures and prices for the products of state-owned enterprises. Thus, so-called “back offices” were created at state-owned enterprises.

In particular, in order to achieve the illegal goals of this criminal organization, the Head of the SPFU ensured the appointment of persons under his control to the management bodies of JSC OPP and the further commission by such persons as part of a criminal organization of a serious criminal offense under Part 2 of Article 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. As a result of such actions, for the period from May 2020 to October 2021, OPP JSC did not receive more than UAH 600 million.

In addition, the criminal organization seized the funds of another state-owned enterprise, JSC UMCC, by deliberately entering into four contracts with a non-resident company controlled by the members of the criminal organization and ensuring the shipment of titanium raw materials at a reduced cost. These actions caused UMCC to incur losses in the amount of UAH 111 million. The total amount of misappropriation of public funds is over UAH 700 million. Subsequently, the criminal organization ensured the withdrawal of funds abroad and the acquisition of assets

- SAPO informs.


In March 2023, former Head of the State Property Fund of Ukraine Dmytro Sennychenko was served with a notice of suspicion of leading a criminal group that seized more than UAH 500 million of state-owned enterprises in 2019-2021, including the largest chemical enterprise in Ukraine, Odesa Port Plant JSC.

Subsequently, the former head of the State Property Fund, Sennichenko, and others were charged with legalization of more than UAH 10 billion.