Bloggers and media face criminal cases for spreading fake news about mobilization: what you need to know

Bloggers and media face criminal cases for spreading fake news about mobilization: what you need to know

Kyiv  •  UNN

October 19 2024, 02:12 PM  •  4009 views

The Land Forces Command warns against spreading false information about mobilization. Criminal cases may be opened against bloggers and media for fakes and manipulations.

The Land Forces Command has warned that the spread of fakes and manipulations regarding mobilization will lead to criminal cases against bloggers and media. According to the changes in the legislation, information speculations that undermine confidence in state institutions and the Defense Forces will be thoroughly checked by law enforcement agencies, UNN reports with reference to the Land Forces Command.

The report states that following amendments to the Law of Ukraine on mobilization policy, the procedure for conscription of citizens for military service during mobilization was clarified by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of May 16, 2024, No. 560. 

The Land Forces report that although the state is conducting a large-scale information campaign to explain these measures, there have been more cases of spreading false information that destabilizes the social situation and could harm mobilization to the Ukrainian Defense Forces.

"We remind you that any distortions and manipulative interpretations of the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine regarding mobilization measures or dissemination of false (compromising) information are aimed at undermining the security measures of the state as a whole, providing any evaluative judgments without clear arguments and reliable facts and their dissemination through various channels (especially online media) with a mercenary purpose (intent) serve only one single purpose - to undermine public confidence in state institutions and the Defense Forces of Ukraine as a whole," the statement said.

Law of Ukraine No. 1183-VII of April 8, 2014 amended the Criminal Code by adding Article 114-1 on liability for obstructing the lawful activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations. 

This allows the competent authorities to initiate criminal proceedings to protect the activities of the Defense Forces and the security of citizens, which is an important task of the country's security and defense sector.

The Land Forces note that information speculations accusing representatives of the TCC and JV of allegedly illegal actions will be checked by law enforcement agencies in accordance with their powers. 

At the same time, violations by the TCCs and JVs themselves are subject to control by the Land Forces Command. Each case is evaluated according to the law and in accordance with the sanctions provided for. In all regional centers of Ukraine, cooperation has been established between the TCC and JVs and representatives of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights.

"The Command of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine once again calls on Ukrainian citizens, media of all forms of ownership and affiliation, and Internet bloggers to use only official and verified information," the statement said.


The National Council called on the media to cover such sensitive topics as the process of mobilization and the activities of the TCC in a correct and professional manner.  According to the National Council, these topics are subject to special information attacks due to the active focus and spread of fakes by the enemy.