Another case of poaching in the National Park “Tuzloa Limans”: the damage amounts to about 15 million UAH

Another case of poaching in the National Park “Tuzloa Limans”: the damage amounts to about 15 million UAH

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 12 2024, 06:00 AM  •  10426 views

A new case of poaching has been recorded in the Tuzlovskie Limans National Park with damage of over UAH 15 mln. According to law enforcers, poaching was recorded at the Alibey Lake, near the village of Novomikhailovka.

Law enforcers recorded another case of poaching on the territory of the national park "Tuzlovskie limans", reports UNN with reference to sources in law enforcement agencies.


Thus, according to law enforcers, poaching was recorded on Lake Alibey, near the village of Novomikhailivka. The damage caused to Ukraine's fish stocks is estimated at more than 15m hryvnias.

According to law enforcers, in March 2024, the State Audit Service planned to check the activities of the Tuzlovskie Limans national park. However, the audit did not take place because the auditors were not allowed into the territory of the national park by its head Iryna Vykhrystyuk.

Vykhrystyuk explained her refusal by the fact that she was on a business trip.

As a reminder, the Southern Office of the State Audit Service is conducting an audit of the financial and economic activities of the Tuzlovskie Liman NPP. The audit is at final stage. Also recall, in May 2024 in the National Park "Tuzlovskie Limans" revealed mass poaching.

Earlier UNN reported that the national park "Tuzlovskie Limans" in Odessa region has an annual budget of 5,565,380 hryvnia, of which 97% is spent on salaries for 45 employees. And this is a very significant number of staff of the national park during the war. However, even they cannot, judging by the information of law enforcers, put things in order there. For comparison, the budget of "Tuzlovskie Limans" is 300 drones, which are badly needed by the military on the front line and for which people donate. If we assume that every national park has such budgets, and there are more than 50 of them, then limiting their funding and releasing budget funds would be enough for 15,000 drones.

We would like to add that local authorities sent an appeal to the Ministry of Natural Resources to dismiss the management of the National Park, however, the Ministry of Natural Resources has not announced a competition for a new head.