On January 14, Ukraine is expected to have cloudy weather with occasional clearings. Precipitation is not expected in most parts of the country, which will allow you to enjoy a relatively calm winter day. This is reported by the Ukrainian Weather Center, UNN reports.
The temperature regime in Ukraine will remain fairly stable: during the day, the temperature will fluctuate between 0° and -2°.
In Kyiv, Lviv, Dnipro, and Kharkiv, thermometers will show 0° to -2°C, with partly cloudy skies and rare clearings. In Odesa, Simferopol, and Melitopol, temperatures in the range of -1° to +2°C will keep the conditions relatively mild for the winter season. The same picture will be observed in Donetsk and Luhansk, where temperatures will also fluctuate between 0° and -2°C.
This day will not bring any special weather surprises, but you should be prepared for clouds, which may give way to clear skies from time to time.
Погода в Україні: де сьогодні очікується сніг та ожеледиця на дорогах12.01.25, 07:08