
Ukrainian Air Force destroys 4 out of 4 "shaheds" - General Staff

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The Ukrainian Air Force shot down all 4 Iranian Shahid drones that Russia used in its attempts to strike Ukraine on March 7, according to the General Staff of Ukraine. The report does not specify where in Ukraine the drones were intercepted.

Yesterday, Russian troops tried to strike at Ukrainian territory using Shahed-136/131 attack drones. All drones were destroyed by Ukrainian air defense forces.  This was reported by the General Staff in a morning report, UNN reports.


"Yesterday, the Russian occupants conducted another air strike using 4 Shahed-136/131 attack UAVs. Ukrainian air defense forces and means destroyed all the attack UAVs," the statement said.

The General Staff did not specify in which regions the air defense forces were effective.

Рувін: ворог бив по Києву із комплексів С-400 переробленими ракетами ППО, щоб спричинити більшу кількість жертв25.01.24, 12:02

Lilia Podolyak



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