
Trying to cross the border: a fugitive almost drowned in the Tisa River

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Ukrainian border guards rescued a hypothermic man from the Tisza River. The fraudsters offered the man to illegally cross the border with Romania by water and demanded $5,000 for the service.

While monitoring the Ukrainian-Romanian border, border guards of the Velyky Bychkiv department of the Mukachevo Detachment pulled a semi-conscious 26-year-old resident of Sumy from the Tisa River. This was reported by the press service of the State Border Guard Service, according to UNN.

The man was lying on the edge of a steep river bank, wearing a wetsuit and life jacket, and showed almost no signs of life. The servicemen immediately pulled the man out of the water and lifted him to a flat area, where they provided first aid. Later, he was taken to the unit, given hot tea and provided with dry clothes,

- the statement said.


According to the rescued man's explanations, it became known that he was prompted to take the desperate step by an announcement in a telegram channel about a "legal" border crossing. Thus, the "traveler", who had no reason to travel abroad during martial law, packed his belongings and came to Zakarpattia, where instead of the promised "legal" border crossing - through an official checkpoint - he was offered an "extreme" one - through the full-flowing ice-cold Tisza River in the dark. The cost of the dealers' services was $5,000.

Believing the "tour operator" that he would cross the river in shallow water, the IT specialist put on the provided life jacket and wetsuit and entered the cold water, not expecting it to be deep. In the first minutes, the man slipped, lost his bearings and began to drown. The swift current carried him to the shore, but due to the extreme cold and spasm of his limbs, the man could not get out of the water. Fortunately, the young man was spotted by a border guard and pulled him out of mortal danger.

The detachment's operatives are currently establishing the circle of persons involved in organizing the illegal border crossing of the rescued Sumy resident.


The State Border Guard Service reminded that since the beginning of the full-scale war on the Tisza , 19 men have died. Therefore, we ask you not to believe the fraudsters who assure you that "crossing" the border will be safe, and not to put yourself in danger

Правоохоронці розслідують понад 3,8 тис. проваджень щодо ухилення від призову25.12.23, 11:12

Olga Rozgon



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