The French Commissioner for the European Union's Internal Market and Services, Thierry Breton, recalled Donald Trump's address to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen at the World Economic Forum Davos 2020. Breton quoted: "Trump made it clear that the United States will not help Europe in the event of any attack.
This was reported by Reuters, according to UNN.
On Tuesday, a senior EU official recounted his recollections of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's remarks at the Davos 2020 forum during a panel discussion in Brussels.
You must understand that if Europe is attacked, we will never come to help or support you
Also, using Trump's words, he noted that the former US president believed that "NATO is dead" and that the US should "get out of NATO.
Один із кандидатів у президенти США вийшов із перегонів11.01.24, 03:30
On Wednesday, French Commissioner Breton's comments added to the harsh criticism of Donald Trump by representatives of US President Joe Biden.
President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen refused to comment on the confirmation of Thierry Breton's words regarding Donald Trump's statements.
Трамп закликав "позбутися Байдена"10.04.23, 17:01 • [views_914205]