
The United States secretly warned Iran about the attack of ISIS terrorists

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In early January, the United States sent a confidential warning to Iran about the preparation of an ISIS terrorist attack, which targeted the procession at the grave of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani. Specific intelligence was collected on the ISIS-Khorasan plan in Afghanistan.

The United States has secretly warned Iran that the Islamic State (ISIS) is preparing a terrorist attack that took place in early January during a procession at the grave of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani. This was reported by the WSJ with reference to American officials, UNN reports .


It is noted that the confidential warning came after the United States received intelligence that the Islamic State's branch in Afghanistan, ISIS-Khorasan, known as ISIS-K, was planning an attack on Iran, the publication said.

Officials told the newspaper that the information transmitted to Iran was quite specific about the location of the attack and quite timely, which could have been useful to Tehran in preventing it or at least reducing the number of victims.

Before the ISIS terrorist attack on January 3, 2024, in the city of Kerman, the US government sent a private warning to Iran that there was a terrorist threat within Iran's borders,

- said an unnamed U.S. official.

According to him, the US government adheres to a long-standing "duty to warn" policy that has been implemented by all administrations to warn governments of potential lethal threats.

We issue these warnings partly because we don't want to see innocent people killed in terrorist attacks,

- said the anonymous official.

The sources refused to say which channels the warning was transmitted to Iran or to disclose the details of the warning. They also did not say whether this was the first time Washington had issued such a warning to the Iranian regime.

According to one U.S. official, the Iranian authorities did not respond to the U.S. warning. According to them, it is unclear why Tehran was unable to prevent or mitigate the attack.


Four years after the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, on January 3, two explosive devices detonated 15 minutes apart in Soleimani's hometown of Kerman, among people on their way to his grave.

The next day, the Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack. Two suicide bombers detonated their explosive belts "in a large crowd of infidels" in Kerman, the jihadist group wrote on its Telegram channel.

Іран заявив про арешт підозрюваних у вибухах бомб05.01.24, 16:53


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