
The enemy attacks Kherson: loud explosions are heard in the city

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The head of the Kherson MBA reported loud explosions in Kherson as the Russian army attacked the city from the left bank of the Dnipro River and urged residents to stay away from windows and hide in shelters.

The Russian army is attacking Kherson. According to Roman Mrochko, head of Kherson MVA, loud explosions are heard in the city, UNN reports.

"There are explosions in Kherson! It is very loud in the coastal areas. The enemy is attacking from the temporarily occupied left bank," said Mrochko.

He urged people to stay away from windows.

"Remember the rule of two walls. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!" summarized Mrochko.

Херсон вночі зазнав чергової атаки ворога: голова ОВА показав наслідки23.02.24, 10:31

Antonina Tumanova



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