Two weeks after the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, he promises to do more to fight crime on his platform.
Writes UNN with reference to The Verge.
Following the recent arrest of its CEO and founder Pavel Durov, the Telegram platform appears to be taking a step toward moderation measures for private chats.
Durov made his first public statement after his arrest, promising to moderate the content on the platform more.
The sharp increase in the number of Telegram users to 950 million has caused problems that have made it easier for criminals to abuse our platform. That is why I have set myself the goal of significantly improving the situation in this area. We've already started this process internally, and I'll share more details about our progress with you soon
French authorities inissued arrest warrants for Pavel and Nikolai Durov in March over Telegram's refusal to cooperate in an investigation into child sexual abuse. This provoked a diplomatic firestorm and outrage over freedom of speech.
Після затримання Дурова: про претензії до Telegram заговорили ще сім країн29.08.24, 13:31