
"Speeding up supplies for the Armed Forces brigades": digitalisation of the MoD property accounting has already been implemented in 200 military units

 • 17303 переглядiв

The implementation of an automated SAP-based defense resource management system in 200 Ukrainian military units has significantly accelerated the processing of supply requests for army brigades from several weeks to 2-3 days.

Instead of several weeks, the processing of supply requests for army brigades will take 2-3 days, the Defense Ministry promises, thanks to the automation of defense resource management based on System Analysis Program Development (SAP), which is already in use in two hundred military units.

This was reported by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, UNN reported .

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine continues the process of digitalization of property balances in military units and warehouses. (...) The automated defense resource management system based on System Analysis Program Development (SAP) has already been connected in 200 military units. 

- , the message says.


SAP is a leading international resource management system used by 28 NATO countries that automates supply processes, generates information on warehouse balances and requisitions. The system also allows us to see the real need, procure and provide the military with everything they need in a timely manner.

The defense ministry claims that the implementation of the SAP system has significantly accelerated the processing of supply requests from brigades from several weeks to 2-3 days. It is noted that previously this process could take a month.

The information gathered on the remaining inventory allows for better planning of procurement and supply of weapons and logistics equipment for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

ВР розгляне законопроект про мобілізацію у другому читанні, попередньо, 6 березня - нардеп21.02.24, 16:49

The Ministry of Defense also recalled the goal of implementing a full-fledged defense resource management system:

It is necessary to automate and simplify existing resource accounting processes, ensure transparency in the use of resources, provide various levels of management of the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff and the Armed Forces with forecasting, management, analytical and control tools, and reduce potential corruption risks in the use of resources.


The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has joined a working group that is considering the issue of authorizing military units to use narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances to provide medical care to wounded soldiers.

On Tuesday evening , Ukraine's Defense Minister Rustem Umerov, together with the Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrsky, had a conversation with US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.

Не пов'язано з наступом із Білорусі: в ОВА назвали головні завдання Вараської міської військової адміністрації21.02.24, 16:54


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