
Russians shelled Ochakiv community three times

 • 28248 переглядiв

Russian troops shelled the Ukrainian town of Ochakiv three times on February 20, firing artillery shells at the town and the surrounding area, but there were no casualties.

On February 20, enemy troops fired three times at the Ochakiv community. In particular, from artillery. They also attacked the water area. This was reported by the head of the OVA Vitaliy Kim, UNN reports.


It is noted that on February 20, at 11:20 and 22:22, enemy shelling was recorded in the city of Ochakiv of the Ochakiv community. There were no casualties.

Also in the afternoon, on February 20, at 14:57, the enemy fired artillery at the water area of the Ochakiv community. There were no casualties.

На Миколаївщині окупанти за добу обстріляли Куцурубську та Очаківську громади13.02.24, 09:57


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