
Romanian farmers again block truck traffic through Porubne-Siret checkpoint - SBGS

 • 31271 переглядiв

Romanian farmers have resumed blocking truck traffic at the Siret checkpoint, opposite Ukraine's Porubne.

In Romania, farmers are again blocking the movement of trucks through the Siret checkpoint. This was reported by the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, UNN reports.


At about 14.00, representatives of the Romanian Border Police received information that Romanian farmers and agrarians had resumed blocking the movement of trucks in the direction of the Siret checkpoint, which is located opposite the Ukrainian Porubne checkpoint

- summarized in the State Border Guard Service. 

It is also noted that the registration of all types of vehicles and pedestrians for departure from Ukraine is carried out in accordance with the established procedure. 

Спецрежим на прикордонні: в ДПСУ пояснили, кому не треба отримувати дозвіл на перебування у прикордонній смузі12.01.24, 14:04


The State Border Guard Service said that yesterday a similar traffic blockade in Romania lasted 6 hours.


Yesterday, on January 13, Romanian farmers blocked the movement of trucks through the Porubne-Siret checkpoint. At the same time, buses and passenger vehicles were allowed to pass unhindered.

Subsequently, the State Border Guard Service reported that the blocking of truck traffic through the Porubne-Siret checkpoint in Romania has been terminated.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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