
Reuters: U.S. to participate in Peace Summit

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The United States will take part in the Peace Summit in Switzerland, which begins on June 15 and aims to unite global opinion on how to stop the Russian-Ukrainian war, but it remains unclear at what level the United States will be represented.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy has invited US President Joe Biden to attend the Peace Summit in Switzerland, which begins on June 15. It is known that the United States will participate in this event. This was reported by Reuters journalists citing their own sources. However, it is not yet known at what level the United States will participate in the Peace Summit, UNN reports.


The newspaper writes that President Zelensky on May 26 appealed to US President Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping on Sunday to participate in the Peace Summit. In his English-language video, the Ukrainian leader spoke against the backdrop of the printing house in Kharkiv destroyed by Russians on May 23, where 7 people were killed in the shelling.

Ukraine hopes to host as many countries as possible at the summit in Switzerland, aimed at uniting global opinion on how to stop the war and increase pressure on Putin. According to Zelenskyy, more than 80 countries will attend the meeting.

I appeal to the leaders of the world who are still on the sidelines of the Global Peace Summit's global efforts - President Biden, the leader of the United States, and President Xi, the leader of China. Please show your leadership in promoting peace - real peace, not just pausing between blows,

- Zelensky said.

Zelenskyy added that the summit “will show who in the world really wants the war to end.

However, it remains uncertain whether President Biden will attend the upcoming summit. A U.S. official confirmed on May 26 that the United States would attend the summit, but specific details about the participants and their level of representation were not disclosed.

The journalists also emphasized that Kyiv in its peace plan calls for the complete withdrawal of Russian troops and the restoration of internationally recognized borders, which Moscow considers unacceptable. Earlier, Russia said it “sees no point in the Ukraine summit.

Зеленський закликав Байдена та Сі підтримати Саміт миру своєю персональною участю26.05.24, 10:19


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