
Republicans in dispute over audio recording of President Biden's interrogation accuse Attorney General of “contempt of Congress”

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US House Republicans accuse Attorney General Merrick Garland of contempt of Congress and refusing to cooperate in the investigation against President Joe Biden. UNN writes with reference to the Associated Press.


The Republican majority in the U.S. House of Representatives has voted to bring U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland to trial. He is guilty of “contempt of Congress” by refusing to release the recording of US President Joe Biden's interrogation by Special Counsel Robert H. Gur on the “document case.


The special counsel interviewed Biden in October to investigate the discovery of classified government documents in his private offices. The conversation served as the basis for an investigation report that ultimately found no criminal charges against Biden, but described the US president as a “friendly elderly man with a poor memory,” raising questions about Biden's fitness for the presidency.

Радник Байдена бачить "значний прогрес" у G7 щодо активів рф для України, сподівається на спільне бачення до зустрічі лідерів13.06.24, 14:08 • [views_23830]

On the recommendation of Attorney General Garland, Biden refused to turn over the audio recordings of the Congressional interrogation. Mr. Garland cited the need to ensure the cooperation of senior executive branch officials in future similar investigations as his reasoning for refusing to provide the audio recordings.

However, it is important to note that the written transcript of Biden's interrogation, unlike the audio recording, was handed over to the House of Representatives and made public.

Світ більше довіряє Байдену, ніж Трампу - дослідження Pew Research Center12.06.24, 10:53 • [views_14658]


During the election campaign, Republicans are trying to accuse Democrats, and Joe Biden in particular, of misconduct. Sometimes this can look like an attempt to divert attention from the numerous legal problems of Donald Trump, the Republican candidate for the US presidential election.

Сина Байдена визнали винним у справі про зберігання зброї11.06.24, 20:01 • [views_19799]


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