
Rains and thunderstorms to cover part of Ukraine: where to get an umbrella

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On May 27, in the southern, central and Carpathian regions of Ukraine, there will be partly cloudy weather, short-term rains, thunderstorms, and temperatures ranging from 10-15° C at night to 18-27° C during the day.

In Ukraine today, short-term rains and thunderstorms are expected in the southern and central regions and in the Carpathian region, while the rest of the country is experiencing dry weather, with temperatures ranging from 10° Celsius at night to 27° Celsius during the day, the Ukrainian Weather Center told UNN.


Partly cloudy weather is expected on May 27. In the southern part, during the day and in most of the central regions and the Carpathian region, there will be short-term rains and thunderstorms; in the rest of the country, no precipitation.

Northeast wind with a shift to southeast, 5-10 m/s.

Temperatures are 10-15° at night, 22-27° during the day, 18-23° in the southern part; in the highlands of the Carpathians, 5-10° at night, 14-19° during the day.

Weather in the capital region

In Kyiv region , no precipitation. The temperature in the region will be 10-15° at night, 22-27° during the day; in Kyiv at night 12-14°, 24-26° during the day.

Julia Shramko



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