
President: Every new generation should know the truth about the Holocaust

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On International Holocaust Remembrance Day, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized that every new generation should know the truth about this tragedy. The head of state stated this on his Facebook page, UNN reports.


Today, the world honors the memory of millions of Holocaust victims. A crime committed by the Nazis that will never be forgotten. A man-made catastrophe that took the lives of millions of innocent people. Six million Jews were murdered... Every new generation must know the truth about the Holocaust. This is very important for human life to remain the highest value for all peoples of the world

- said the President of Ukraine.

According to him, it is equally important to remember the feat of those "who did not know whether evil would lose, but despite everything kept good in their souls and saved the lives of others.

Unfortunately, we do not know all such stories of salvation, and many names of the Righteous and the rescuers remain unknown. But every name that is known should be preserved forever. So that humanity will always remember that even in the darkest circumstances, it is worth believing and helping the light to win

- Zelensky emphasized.


International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which is observed annually on January 27, was established by the UN General Assembly on November 1, 2005 (Resolution 60/7).

It was on January 27, 1945, that the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front liberated one of the largest Nazi death camps, Auschwitz-Birkenau.


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