
Norway, Ireland and Spain say they are recognizing a Palestinian state, Israel recalls ambassadors

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Norway, Ireland and Spain say they are recognizing a Palestinian state, prompting Israel to recall its ambassadors and summon their representatives to protest.

Norway, Ireland and Spain said on Wednesday they recognized the Palestinian state, a historic but largely symbolic move in response to which Israel recalled its ambassadors to three countries and summoned their envoys, UNN writes, citing AP.


The Palestinians welcomed these statements as confirmation of their long-standing quest for statehood in East Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Israel recalled its ambassadors to three countries and summoned their envoys, accusing Europeans of rewarding the Hamas group for the October 7 attack that triggered the war.

The government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who opposes Palestinian statehood, says the conflict can only be resolved through direct negotiations, which last failed more than 15 years ago.

Amid the announcements, Israel's far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-gwir on Wednesday paid a visit to a sacred site in Jerusalem sacred to Jews and Muslims, "which could escalate tensions across the region." Ben-gwir said that this visit was a response to the actions of three European countries. "We will not even allow a statement about a Palestinian state," he said. The Al-Aqsa Mosque complex is the third most important holy place in Islam, and the top of the hill on which it stands is the holiest place for Jews, who call it the Temple Mount.

Following official recognition scheduled for May 28, these three countries will join approximately 140 - more than two-thirds of the United Nations that have recognized the state of Palestine for many years. The United States and Britain, among others, have supported the idea of an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel, but say it should be part of a negotiated settlement.

Statements from Europe fell one after another. Norway, which participated in the Oslo Accords that launched the peace process in the 1990s, was the first to announce its decision: prime minister Jonas Gar Stjore said that "there can be no peace in the Middle East if there is no recognition.

Норвегія офіційно визнає Палестину як державу - прем'єр22.05.24, 09:55

Irish prime minister Simon Harris called it "a historic and important day for Ireland and Palestine", saying the statements were coordinated and that other countries could join in "in the coming weeks".

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, who announced his country's decision before Parliament, has spent months traveling to Europe and the Middle East to enlist support for recognition, as well as a possible ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

"This confession is not directed against anyone, it is not directed against the Israeli people," Sanchez said. "This is an act for peace, justice and moral consistency." He said it was clear that Netanyahu " does not have a peace project," while acknowledging that "the fight against the Hamas terrorist group is legitimate.

The Israeli government strongly condemned the decision taken by the three countries. Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz recalled the Israeli ambassadors and summoned the ambassadors of the three countries to Israel. He said they would watch a horrific video of the October 7 attack.

"History will remember that Spain, Norway and Ireland decided to award a gold medal to the murderers and rapists of Hamas," he said. The minister also said the statement would undermine negotiations aimed at a cease-fire and the release of hostages in the Gaza Strip, which reached an impasse earlier this month.

President Mahmoud Abbas, the leader of the Palestinian Authority that governs parts of the West Bank, welcomed the steps towards recognition, saying they would contribute to efforts to reach a two-state solution. Hamas also welcomed these decisions.

Генеральна Асамблея ООН надала Палестині статус держави-спостерігача11.05.24, 04:03


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