
No water supply in occupied Yevpatoriya for five days: why

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The occupied city of Yevpatoriya in Crimea has been without water supply for five days, which has led to a shortage of water.

The occupied Yevpatoriya has been without water supply for five days, UNN reports with reference to Suspilne.

According to media reports, the Russian authorities have organized water deliveries around the city, but it is not enough to cover the needs of the population.

"The water supply is not enough for everyone, it is rarely delivered, and we are allowed to take only 2-3 five-liter bottles in one hand. The water quality is not the best," the Crimean added.

Крим використовує ресурси водосховищ для наповнення Північно-Кримського каналу20.05.24, 22:17

According to the occupation authorities, after 21 km of the new water supply line is replaced, the problem with water outages in the city will disappear. This is allegedly planned to be done by December of this year.

The company "Water of Crimea" reported that water would be cut off in Yevpatoriya due to the replacement of an emergency section of the main water supply pipeline. It was claimed that water supply would be restored


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No water supply in occupied Yevpatoriya for five days: why

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