
Movement of enemy aircraft spotted over occupied Mariupol

 • 30558 переглядiв

Enemy aircraft activity was recorded over occupied Mariupol - Vuhledar, Zaporizhzhia from the direction of Eisk and Akhtarsk.

Movement of enemy aircraft was recorded in occupied Mariupol. This was reported by the advisor to the mayor of Mariupol Petro Andriushchenko, UNN reports.

"Today we have been recording the movement of enemy aircraft over the city all day. Vuhledar, Zaporizhzhia from the direction of Eisk, Akhtarsk. It is interesting that for the first time we noticed a dark plume from Donetsk to Eisk," said Andriushchenko.

росіяни готують маріупольців до терактів: можливі провокації з їхнього боку28.12.23, 19:15

Antonina Tumanova



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