
Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2024 to be held in Spain

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The 22nd Junior Eurovision Song Contest will be held in Spain at the end of 2024, and the host city and exact date have not yet been announced.

The 22nd Junior Eurovision Song Contest will be held in Spain at the end of this year.  UNN reports this with reference to the press service of the song contest. 


As noted, the National Public Broadcasting Company of Spain, Radiotelevisión Española (RTVE)  will host the Junior Eurovision Song Contest.  The host city and the exact date of the contest will be announced later.

Last year, the children's song contest was won by Frenchwoman Zoë Clozur with her song Coeur. The Spanish representative  Sandra Valero took second place with her song "Loviu." 

However, the rules of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest do not oblige the winning country to host the contest the following year.  France Télévisions has decided to hand over the organization of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2024 to Spain's RTVE. 

Spain was the winner of the 2004 Junior Eurovision Song Contest .

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