
"Irresponsible slander": China rejects British accusations of transferring lethal aid to russia

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Beijing denies UK accusations of supplying lethal aid to Russia for the war in Ukraine, denouncing the allegations as baseless slander and emphasizing its position on peace and dialogue to resolve the conflict.

Beijing is outraged by Britain's allegations that China is involved in supplying russia with lethal aid. This was stated by Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin, UNN reports .


We condemn the baseless and irresponsible defamation of China by a British politician. We have drawn attention to the fact that these remarks by the UK were not even supported by its "close ally" (referring to the United States - ed.)

- said Wenbin.

The Chinese diplomat emphasized that the "crisis in Ukraine" (as the war in Ukraine is called in China - ed.) "has been dragged on" because of the actions of the UK and its allies, which allegedly prevented Kyiv and Moscow from reaching peace.

Блінкен: США продовжать переконувати Китай відмовитися від підтримки рф у війні в Україні 22.05.24, 10:27

There are reports that two years ago, Ukraine and Russia were close to reaching an agreement to end the conflict. However, due to obstacles from the UK and other countries, the conflict continues to this day

- the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman reminded .


China also emphasized that the accusations against China "will not change London's ineffective position on Ukraine." Beijing assures that it will continue to adhere to the position of dialogue to resolve the situation in Ukraine. 

 On the Ukrainian issue, China has always stood by peace and dialogue and will continue to make efforts to resume negotiations and oppose adding fuel to the fire. At the same time, we will resolutely defend our legitimate rights and interests

- summarized the Chinese diplomat.


UK Defense Secretary Grant Shapps accused China of providing or preparing to provide lethal aid to russia for use by Moscow in its war against Ukraine.


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