
In Germany, the Conservatives are leading in the European Parliament elections

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In the European Parliament elections in Germany, during voting on Sunday, June 9, according to the results of exit polls, the conservative CDU/CSU bloc received about 30 percent of the vote.  in second place are right - wing populists from Alternative for Germany. About it UNN reports with reference to DW.

According to exit polls, the opposition conservative bloc won the European Parliament elections in Germany.

After the polls closed in the evening, according to the Infratest Dimap sociological service, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the Christian Social Union (CSU) won 29.5 percent of the vote.

The second place is occupied by the right-wing populist Alternative for Germany (AfD), which received, according to exit polls, 16.5 percent.

Євровибори у Словаччині: за неофіційними результатами перемагає опозиційна до Фіцо партія09.06.24, 15:05

The largest party of the ruling coalition in Germany - the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD)-scored 14.0 percent. Its partner in the Union-90/Greens coalition received 12.0 percent of the vote, while the third ruling party, the Free Democratic Party, received 5.0 percent. 5.5 percent of voters voted for The Sarah Wagenknecht Union (CER), while 2.8 percent voted for the Left party.

According to preliminary data, the turnout for the German elections was 64.0 percent.

In Germany, 35 parties were allowed to participate in the elections. According to observers, for German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, the elections can be a test of German sentiment before the Bundestag elections to be held in 2025.


On June 9, the last day of the European Parliament elections, voting took place in 21 of the 27 European countries of the EU. In several countries, elections have already been held the day before. In particular, on June 8, voters in Slovakia, Latvia and Malta voted, and voting began in Italy.

Вибори у ЄС: Італія, Словаччина, Латвія і Мальта обирають євродепутатів08.06.24, 14:15


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