
Head of US State Department's Office of Sanctions to visit Georgia in the coming days - media

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Jim O'Brien, head of the US State Department's Office of Sanctions Coordination, will visit Georgia in the coming days to meet with the opposition amid ongoing protests against the controversial law on foreign influence transparency.

Jim O'Brien, the head of the US State Department's Office of Sanctions Coordination, will visit Georgia in the coming days. This information was confirmed to IPN by the US Embassy in Georgia, UNN reports with reference to Georgia Online.

No further specific details have been provided.

Earlier, Pirveli TV reported that Jim O'Brien would be in Georgia on Monday evening. According to their information, a meeting with the opposition has already been scheduled.

Голова парламенту Грузії відмовився зустрічатися із делегацією ЄС10.05.24, 18:35


On May 1, the Parliament of Georgia voted in favor of the law "On Transparency of Foreign Influence" in the second reading.

In the evening of that day, thousands of people gathered near the Georgian parliament, demanding the withdrawal of the law, which was popularly nicknamed "Russian". According to local media reports, riot police used water cannons and tear gas against demonstrators at the building's official entrances. There were also reports of the use of rubber bullets. 

A total of 15 people were hospitalized in Georgia during the dispersal of a rally near the parliament in Tbilisi on May 1-2, including law enforcement officers.


More than 30 MEPs called on European Commission Vice-President and EU Diplomacy Chief Josep Borrell to suspend Georgia's EU candidate status.


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