
German ex-military man convicted of spying for russia

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A former German army officer has been sentenced to three and a half years in prison for spying for Russian intelligence services by passing classified military information.

A former officer of the German army sentenced to three and a half years in prison for espionage for the Russian secret service. This is reported by UNN with reference to Deutsche Welle.


The highest regional court in Düsseldorf has found 54-year-old Thomas H, a former German officer, guilty of spying for Russia - he was sentenced to three years in prison for passing classified military information.

The defendant was arrested in Koblenz, Germany, in August 2023. Since May 2023, the captain had, on his own initiative, forwarded information about his work in the procurement department of the Bundeswehr in Koblenz to the Russian Consulate General in Bonn and the Russian Embassy in Berlin and offered them cooperation.

Federal prosecutors accused him of “almost heartily offering himself to Russia” to give the Russian military an advantage. In doing so, he gave away information of military significance. Prosecutors accused him of photographing old training documents on munitions systems and aircraft technology and then dropping the materials into the mailbox of the Russian consulate in Bonn.

WP: Шпионский скандал в Австрии раскрыл российские операции по всей Европе09.04.2024, 03:52

In court, the man pleaded guilty: according to him, he was driven by fear of a nuclear escalation of the war against Ukraine. "This is the biggest mistake I've made in my life." Depression caused by chronic overwork allegedly impaired his rational thinking.


Earlier UNN reported that former German intelligence officer Carsten L. denies charges of espionage in favor of russia and receiving money for handing over German state secrets to an occupying country.

В Германии арестованы трое подозреваемых в шпионаже в пользу Китая22.04.2024, 12:19


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