
European Parliament passes law on nature conservation, which was preceded by a heated debate

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The European Parliament has passed a controversial nature conservation law that requires at least 20% of the EU's land and marine areas to be restored by 2030 through measures such as reforestation and wetland restoration.

The majority of MEPs voted in favor of a controversial law on nature protection, which provides for the introduction of  restoration measures on 20% of the EU's land and sea areas by 2030. This was reported by UNN with reference to European Parliament and Zeit.


The majority of MEPs voted in favor of the controversial nature conservation law, the Renaturalization Act. In order for nature to recover in the EU, more trees need to be planted, swamps drained, and rivers returned to their natural state.

The draft law was introduced back in 2022 - it calls for measures to promote the return of biodiversity to at least 20% of the land and marine surfaces of EU member states by 2030.

The act also requires the restoration of at least 30% of certain habitats (forests, grasslands, wetlands, rivers, lakes, and coral beds) on the same day, then 60% by 2040 and 90% by 2050.

ЄС розглядає отримання відсотків від заморожених активів рф, але без повної конфіскації27.02.24, 11:23

A few hours before the vote, MEPs did not dare to make predictions, but as it turned out, opinions on the law on nature conservation differed in certain circles.

The largest group in the parliament voted against, followed by other right-wing and far-right groups, as well as some liberals from the Renewal of Europe. The EPP is particularly concerned about the impact of the regulation on farmers, at a time when they are holding a series of demonstrations across Europe. A relaxation of environmental regulations is one of their demands.

Nevertheless, after many twists and turns, the law was passed by European deputies.

The next step is a vote in the Rada.

Українцям потрібно буде здати бойову зброю після закінчення війни - Клименко27.02.24, 17:22


German Environment Minister Steffi Lemke (Greens) expressed her relief at Brussels' decision.

This is great news. We all depend on intact and healthy ecosystems

- said Lemke, who is currently in Kenya for the UN Environment Assembly.

With today's endorsement in the European Parliament, Europe makes a clear commitment to protect and restore our nature and environment

- Lemke said, noting that "it is good that this sense of responsibility prevailed today.


Farmers in Warsaw protested against food imports from Ukraine by assembling a tank from hay bales with the slogan "AgroAbrams".

The relevant committees of the European Parliament supported the decision to create a multi-year financial assistance program for Ukraine worth 50 billion euros.


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