
EU calls for acceleration of military aid to Ukraine

 • 19991 переглядiв

The European Union emphasizes the critical importance of accelerated deliveries of military equipment, including ammunition, missiles, air defense, artillery and drones, to meet Ukraine's urgent needs, and welcomes progress on the implementation of the Ukraine Assistance Fund and on the potential use of Russia's immobilized assets.

The European Union emphasizes the critical importance of accelerated deliveries of military equipment, including ammunition, missiles, air defense, artillery and drones, to meet Ukraine's urgent needs, and welcomes progress on the implementation of the Ukraine Assistance Fund and on the potential use of Russia's immobilized assets. This is stated in the conclusions of today's meeting of the EU Council on Security and Defense of the bloc, writes UNN.  

The EU Council underlines the critical importance of accelerated and intensified deliveries of military equipment based on Ukraine's urgent needs, in particular ammunition, especially for artillery, missiles, air defense and artillery systems, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles, while continuing to respond to Ukraine's medium- and long-term needs. It welcomes recent initiatives by Member States in this regard and will continue to encourage further deliveries. The EU Council calls on Member States to also continue to use the European Defense Agency (EDA) and the 'leading countries' framework contracts to urgently deliver more ammunition and missiles to Ukraine

- the conclusions say.

At the same time, the EU Council noted that the newly created Ukraine Assistance Fund (UAF), as part of the European Peace Facility (EPF), "will continue to be guided by the urgent and evolving needs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

“The Council welcomes the progress in the adoption of additional legislation to implement the Assistance Fund for Ukraine and other assistance measures under the EPF in line with the EPF implementation rules. The Council also welcomes the progress in drafting legislation to channel the extraordinary proceeds from Russia's immobilized assets to Ukraine, in particular to meet its most urgent military needs, including through the EPF,” the conclusions say.

У ЄС націлені на підписання безпекових зобов'язань перед Україною до кінця червня28.05.24, 15:42


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