
Conflict between lyceum students in Chernihiv region, one child injured - police

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The criminal case was initiated after a student inflicted bodily harm on another student during a conflict at a lyceum in Ivanivska community, Chernihiv region.

In the Chernihiv region , a conflict between children occurred on the territory of a lyceum, as reported, one of the students inflicted bodily harm on a student, the communication department of the Chernihiv regional police reported, UNN writes.


"The police received a statement from a resident of the Ivanivska community in Chernihiv district that a conflict between children had occurred on the territory of a local lyceum during a break, as a result of which one of the students inflicted bodily harm on her daughter," the statement reads.

Police are investigating the circumstances of a minor's injury as a result of a conflict in an educational institution. The police are investigating a criminal case over the infliction of bodily harm to a female student of a lyceum in Ivanivka community. 

The incident was registered in the URPTI under Part 1 of Article 125 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (intentional light bodily harm).

Juvenile prevention officers find out all the circumstances of the conflict between the lyceum students, interview teachers, children and their parents.

На Одещині діти підпалили очерет: вигоріло майже півтора гектара 13.02.24, 11:18


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