
China condemns the attack on the Iranian Embassy in Syria, while the United States calls for a deterrent to Tehran

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China strongly condemned Israel's military attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria, and the United States called for deterrent actions against possible retaliation by Iran.

In a conversation with U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi "strongly" condemned the Israeli military's attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus last week, which was attributed to Israel. At the same time, Anthony Blinken held a series of telephone conversations and called on his colleagues in China, Turkey and Saudi Arabia to prevent escalation by Iran. This was reported by UNN with reference to Bloomberg and Tagesspiegel.


China says its top diplomat discussed tensions in the Middle East during a phone call with Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.

Wang Yi emphasized that China strongly condemns the attack on the Iranian Embassy in Syria

- said Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning at a regular press briefing in Beijing.

It is also reported that China called on all parties to the Gaza crisis to "immediately stop hostilities and prevent a humanitarian crisis." The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson added that "especially the United States should play a constructive role".

КНР ввела санкції проти двох компаній зі США за продаж зброї Тайваню12.04.24, 16:01

 In connection with a possible Iranian retaliatory attack on Israel, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has called on his counterparts in China, Turkey and Saudi Arabia to prevent an escalation by Iran. Over the past 24 hours, a series of phone calls have taken place, State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said on Thursday in Washington.

Similar talks were held with European allies and partners. Miller emphasized: "Escalation is not in Iran's interest. It is not in the interests of the region. And it is not in the interests of the world".


Israel is preparing for a direct attack by Iran in the next two days, but Tehran has not yet made a final decision. This was reported by The Wall Street Journal.

British Foreign Secretarycalls on Iran to refrain from dragging the Middle East into a wider conflict.


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