
Berdiansk reported explosions outside the city - CMA

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Residents of the temporarily occupied city of Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia region of Ukraine, reported hearing dull explosions outside the city for half an hour.

In the temporarily occupied Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia region, residents report that dull explosions were heard outside the city, the head of the Berdiansk city military administration, Victoria Galitsyna, said on Saturday, UNN reports.

Berdiansk residents report that dull explosions have been heard outside the city for half an hour. Residents write: "Liski was heard," "AKZ was heard," "The center was heard with the windows open."

- Galitsyna wrote on Telegram.

According to her, the occupiers have not announced any "exercises". "We hope the detonation is unplanned," she said.

В окупованому Бердянську росіяни готуються до фальсифікацій на виборах президента рф01.02.24, 16:25


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