
Baltic states do not rule out sending troops to Ukraine in case of sharp deterioration of situation at the front - Spiegel

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The Baltic states may send troops to Ukraine if Russia makes a strategic breakthrough due to insufficient Western support.

Members of parliaments  of the Baltic states do not rule out sending military personnel to Ukraine if the situation at the front deteriorates radically. This was reported by Der Spiegel, according to UNN


Spiegel writes that last week, on the sidelines of the Lennart Merry Conference on Foreign and Security Policy in the Estonian capital Tallinn, Baltic MPs warned government officials from Berlin about the consequences of Germany's policy on the war in Ukraine. In particular, they refused to provide the Ukrainian armed forces with long-range weapons and banned the use of western weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation .

Their argument is that if the Russians manage to make a strategic breakthrough in eastern Ukraine because the West is only half-heartedly helping Kyiv, the situation could escalate dramatically. 

In that case, the Baltic states and Poland would not wait for Russian troops to deploy on their borders, Baltic politicians warned, but would send troops to Ukraine themselves. And it was clear what this would mean: NATO would become a party to the war. This is exactly what the US Chancellor and President rightly fear. Those who want to limit the war through excessive restraint actually risk letting it spiral out of control

- the analysis says.

French President Emmanuel Macron said that he does not rule out sending ground troops to Ukraine and that to rule it out a priori is to fail to learn the lessons of the last two years. 

Шольц проти використання німецької зброї по цілях у росії26.05.24, 17:33


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