Zelensky reacts to Russia's attack on ICRC workers' cars in Donetsk region: “The world must react firmly and on principle”

Zelensky reacts to Russia's attack on ICRC workers' cars in Donetsk region: “The world must react firmly and on principle”

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 12 2024, 12:24 PM  •  12527 views

Russian troops attacked ICRC vehicles in Donetsk region, killing three workers and injuring two. Zelenskyy called on the world to respond harshly to such crimes by Russia.

On September 12, Russian troops attacked the vehicles of the International Committee of the Red Cross humanitarian mission in Donetsk region. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized that the international community should respond to such attacks by Russia "firmly and principledly," UNN reports

Another Russian war crime. Today, the occupier attacked the vehicles of the International Committee of the Red Cross humanitarian mission in Donetsk region. As of now, we know about two wounded people - they are being provided with all the necessary assistance. Unfortunately, three people were killed by this Russian attack

- Zelensky wrote.

The President pointed out that everything is absolutely clear in this war: Russia is bringing evil, Ukraine is defending life. And if someone wants to hear "both sides," then in Russia this is perceived only as permission to kill further.

"The world must react firmly and on principle. Countries and international organizations cannot remain indifferent. Only together the world can force Russia to stop this terror and make Moscow seek peace," the President summarized. 


Three Ukrainian ICRC workers were killed and two others wounded in the village of Viroliubivka as a result of Russian artillery shelling.  Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets called on the ICRC to officially recognize Russia's violations of the Geneva Conventions.