We are proud of every victory: Zelenskyy thanks Paralympians and their coaches for results

We are proud of every victory: Zelenskyy thanks Paralympians and their coaches for results

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 9 2024, 05:51 PM  •  14419 views

Ukrainian Paralympic athletes won 82 medals at the Games in Paris, ranking 7th overall. President Zelenskyy thanked the athletes and coaches for their achievements.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked all the Paralympic athletes and their coaches for their effective performances in Paris, UNN reports.

"Ukrainian Paralympians won 82 medals in Paris! Our team took 7th place in the overall standings and 5th place in terms of the number of awards. 

We are proud of every victory of Ukrainians. Every success is important. Each of them shows the resilience, strength and will to win of all our people," Zelensky said. 

Паралімпіада-2024. Україна завершила виступи з 82 медалями і посіла 7 місцеSeptember 8 2024, 03:50 PM • 18098 views

The Head of State also thanked all the Paralympians and their coaches for the results.