There have already been 16 fines for violating the language law on the Internet this year

There have already been 16 fines for violating the language law on the Internet this year

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 17 2024, 08:44 AM  •  18564 views

Since the beginning of 2024, 421 complaints have been received regarding violations of the language law on the Internet. The Commissioner for the Protection of the State Language reported 161 control measures, 49 warnings, and 16 fines for violations.

Since the beginning of 2024, 421 complaints about violations of the language law on the Internet have been received, 161 control measures have been carried out, 49 warnings and 16 fines for violations have been issued, the Secretariat of the Commissioner for the Protection of the State Language reported on Facebook, UNN reports.


"Since the beginning of 2024, 421 complaints have been received regarding violations of the language law regulating the use of the state language on the Internet (which is almost 50% less than in the same period in 2023)," the report says.

Language Ombudsman Taras Kremin noted that a huge number of Internet resources have created a full-fledged Ukrainian version that loads by default and have fulfilled all legal requirements within two years of the relevant law. But, unfortunately, there are those that have not yet done so or, for some reason, keep their home page in a foreign language.

Therefore, in 2024, following complaints from citizens, "161 state control measures were reportedly initiated against business entities that were identified." Most online resources had reportedly eliminated violations of the language law at the time of the state control measures. According to the Commissioner, as of September 10, 2024, "49 warnings have already been issued and 16 fines imposed" for violating Article 27 of the language law (for the absence of a Ukrainian-language version of the website or for loading the website by default in a non-state language).

"As for those online representations for which it was not possible to identify the business entity, I constantly appeal to the National Police of Ukraine and the State Tax Service of Ukraine to identify the violators and bring them to justice. And they will not get off with a fine for violating the language law alone. (...) By the way, some of the violators have already received increased fines for repeated violations. The punishment is irreversible!" emphasized Kremin.


On July 16, 2022, the articles of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses came into force, according to which violation of the law on the state language on the Internet may result in administrative liability with a fine of UAH 3400 to 5100 or a warning if the violation is committed for the first time. Repeated violations within a year will result in a fine of UAH 8500-11900.