There are attempts to recover assets of the Russian Federation within the framework of the ICC - Prosecutor General's Office

There are attempts to recover assets of the Russian Federation within the framework of the ICC - Prosecutor General's Office

Kyiv  •  UNN

April 4 2024, 04:42 PM  •  71784 views

There are attempts to recover the assets of the Russian Federation through the International Criminal Court system, but a special tribunal and sovereign fund are needed to compensate for the damage caused by Russia as a state.

There are attempts to recover the assets of the Russian Federation through the International Criminal Court system, but if we are talking about the assets of the entire Russian Federation as a state, a sovereign fund, then a special tribunal is needed. Yuriy Belousov, Head of the Department for Combating Crimes Committed in the Armed Conflict of the Prosecutor General's Office, said this during a telethon, UNN correspondent reports.

In addition to the tribunal, there are other mechanisms that will allow for compensation. The International Criminal Court is already working, and we have already mentioned four arrest warrants for top officials. Within the ICC, there are also attempts to recover assets, but if we are talking about the assets of the entire Russian Federation as a state, a sovereign fund, then we need a tribunal.

- Belousov said.

Belousov also noted that two mechanisms are currently being discussed to fill the fund from which compensation will be paid.

This is either at the expense of  profits from frozen assets, because the register for the compensation fund should be based on the so-called sovereign funds of the Russian Federation, which are currently estimated at about $300 billion. Therefore, these amounts will be paid either at the expense of the profits earned by our international partners who have frozen this fund or by attracting finance from other partners, and Russian money will be used as a guarantee, and then, if Russia refuses to compensate for the losses it has caused, it will be possible to pay them off at the expense of this fund.

 ," Belousov said.

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44 countries supported the creation of a special tribunal for Russia.

On April 2, the Register of Losses for Ukraine, created with the participation of the international community, started accepting applications.