The United States accuses the Kremlin of media operations aimed at exacerbating internal divisions in the United States

The United States accuses the Kremlin of media operations aimed at exacerbating internal divisions in the United States

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 5 2024, 10:12 AM  •  6746 views

Two Russians from RT were indicted in the United States for financing $10 million worth of propaganda content. The goal was to increase internal divisions in the United States and weaken opposition to Russian interests.

Two RT employees were charged by US courts with broadcasting content aimed at dividing the United States.

Writes UNN with reference to Le Monde.


Two months before the November presidential election, the US government is stepping up its efforts to neutralize Russian disinformation operations in the United States.

The Southern District of New York unveiled an indictment against two Russian citizens who worked for a news network controlled by the government of Vladimir Putin.

It is stated that the defendants directed millions of dollars to an American media company that paid influential right-wing radicals for videos that promoted narratives favorable to the Kremlin.

Two Russian citizens, 31-year-old Konstantin Kalashnikov and 27-year-old Yelena Afanasyeva, have been charged in New York with ... According to courts with access to their communications, the two employees of Russia Today (RT, the regime's propaganda tool abroad) organized a cunning $10 million (€9 million) financing scheme from Moscow, using pseudonyms and shell companies, to broadcast content in the United States

- the publication informs.

To do this, they entered into an agreement with a Tennessee-based platform that received regular transfers (30 in total between October 2023 and August 2024), in particular from the United Arab Emirates and Turkey.

Many of the videos published by U.S. Company-1 contain commentary on events and issues in the United States, such as immigration, inflation, and other topics related to domestic and foreign policy. While the views expressed in the videos vary, the topics and content of the videos are often consistent with the Russian government's interests in exacerbating internal U.S. divisions in order to weaken U.S. opposition to the Russian government's core interests, such as its ongoing war in Ukraine

- the indictment says.

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