The Black Sea does not belong to Russia, drones with a range of up to 1800 km, and cyber operations: Budanov tells about DIU's achievements

The Black Sea does not belong to Russia, drones with a range of up to 1800 km, and cyber operations: Budanov tells about DIU's achievements

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 7 2024, 10:43 AM  •  33045 views

The Chief of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine Kyrylo Budanov shared the agency's successes over the past year. He spoke about operations in the Black Sea, attacks on Russian targets and Ukraine's cyber defense.

On the occasion of the Day of Military Intelligence, the head of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, Krylo Budanov, spoke about the achievements of the agency over the past year, UNN reports.


"I am grateful to every serviceman, veteran, and everyone who defends the national interests of our state as part of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine. Anticipating the enemy's actions is a systematic work of military intelligence officers entrusted to us by the President of Ukraine. Responding to threats, protecting the lives of Ukrainian citizens is our sacred duty, from which we will never retreat," Budanov wrote on Telegram.

"This year, thanks to the successful actions of our military intelligence officers, we proved to the world that the Black Sea does not belong to Russia. We forced the enemy to move their fleet to a "safe" distance, to leave the sea borders they had long considered their own. However, this is only an illusion of control," Budanov said.

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He noted that, having unleashed a war against Ukraine, there is no safe place for the occupation army of the Russian Federation and its derivative structures. He also emphasized that "punishment can be postponed, but never canceled.

"Unmanned systems, which are currently being developed by the best specialists, including representatives of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, already allow to hit military targets of the aggressor state at a distance of up to 1800 km. Military airfields, which are a source of constant threat to peaceful Ukrainian cities, are shaking from air attacks," the DIU Chief wrote.

Budanov emphasized that the entire Russian infrastructure working for the war is suffering and will continue to suffer losses. 

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"Over the course of the year, DIU cyber specialists conducted dozens of successful operations, gaining valuable information for Ukraine, penetrated the aggressor state's databases, and found weaknesses in communications. And this is not the only source of information on the activities of Russia's military and political command that is currently at the disposal of the Ukrainian military intelligence," he said.

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The head of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine noted that "the Russian statehood built on fear and brutality has an expiration date", so the expansion of the network of loyal supporters, as well as sabotage in the deep rear, continue. 

"The DIU's active units are constantly involved in performing complex combat tasks both on the line and beyond the demarcation line. The reconnaissance men repel enemy attacks, evacuate the wounded, liberate defenders and civilians from Russian captivity, and return Ukrainian citizens home from the countries where hostilities are taking place," Budanov wrote.

He emphasized that Ukraine is moving forward decisively, bringing the light of freedom. 

"By defending its dignity and freedom, Ukraine has asserted itself in the international arena, set an example of determination and dedication in the struggle for a just future, for its own state, which will confidently take its place in the coming and turbulent world," Budanov concluded. 

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