

News by theme

Supply of low-quality clothing for the Armed Forces: law enforcement detains Roman Hrynkevych

Roman Hrynkevych, who is suspected of supplying low-quality clothing to the Ukrainian Armed Forces worth 1 billion hryvnias, was detained while trying to cross the border.

Crimes and emergencies • January 22 2024, 08:36 AM  •  20968 views
Supply of low-quality clothing for the Armed Forces: law enforcement detains Roman Hrynkevych

Enemy attacked Myrnohrad in Donetsk region with rockets at night: there are wounded

The Russian army launched a rocket attack on Myrnohrad in Donetsk region, wounding two people and damaging residential buildings and an educational institution.

War • January 22 2024, 08:28 AM  •  27007 views
Enemy attacked Myrnohrad in Donetsk region with rockets at night: there are wounded

In occupied Makiivka, activists raised the state flag on the occasion of the Day of Unity of Ukraine

On the Day of Unity of Ukraine, activists of the Yellow Ribbon movement raised the Ukrainian flag in the temporarily occupied Makiivka, Donetsk region.

War • January 22 2024, 08:14 AM  •  27412 views
In occupied Makiivka, activists raised the state flag on the occasion of the Day of Unity of Ukraine

No electricity shortage in Ukraine - Ministry of Energy

The Ministry of Energy of Ukraine assures that there is no shortage of electricity in the country, with six backup power units available for use. However, the Ministry calls for responsible use of electricity during peak hours.

Society • January 22 2024, 08:07 AM  •  30192 views
No electricity shortage in Ukraine - Ministry of Energy

Pro-Ukrainian guerrillas extend their influence to Moscow

The Atesh guerrilla movement claims to be expanding its influence across Russia, particularly in Timonovo, Moscow region.

Politics • January 22 2024, 08:03 AM  •  27956 views
Pro-Ukrainian guerrillas extend their influence to Moscow

Russia is creating an "invisibility suit" for the military - ISW

The Russian firm HiderX is developing an "invisibility suit" that will not be visible to Ukrainian thermal imagers, according to the US Institute for the Study of War. Testing of the suit will be completed by the end of January 2024.

War • January 22 2024, 08:03 AM  •  115455 views
Russia is creating an "invisibility suit" for the military - ISW

State Duma to consider a bill on deprivation of property for "fakes about the army"

Russia's State Duma is considering a bill that would allow for the confiscation of property for spreading "fakes about the armed forces. " The law will apply to actions that are considered "discrediting the army" and "calls for the collapse of the country"

News of the World • January 22 2024, 07:56 AM  •  29339 views
State Duma to consider a bill on deprivation of property for "fakes about the army"

Russia keeps two missile carriers of up to 14 "Kalibr" in the Black Sea - Ukrainian Navy

Ukraine's Navy reports that Russia has two missile carriers in the Black Sea, equipped with up to 14 Kalibr cruise missiles.

War • January 22 2024, 07:55 AM  •  30601 views
Russia keeps two missile carriers of up to 14 "Kalibr" in the Black Sea - Ukrainian Navy

"It hasn't happened for a long time": Mariupol mayor's advisor reports on shooting in the city

A shooting with small arms occurred in Mariupol, Donetsk region, according to the mayor's advisor Petro Andriushchenko.

War • January 22 2024, 07:47 AM  •  29708 views
"It hasn't happened for a long time": Mariupol mayor's advisor reports on shooting in the city

Zelenskyy signs a decree on the territories of Russia historically inhabited by Ukrainians

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed a decree on the territories of the Russian Federation historically inhabited by Ukrainians. This step is aimed at restoring historical justice.

Politics • January 22 2024, 07:46 AM  •  28883 views
Zelenskyy signs a decree on the territories of Russia historically inhabited by Ukrainians