Staying on the territory of the aggressor country will continue to be dangerous for traitors and collaborators - Yusov

Staying on the territory of the aggressor country will continue to be dangerous for traitors and collaborators - Yusov

Kyiv  •  UNN

December 7 2023, 10:56 AM  •  31340 views

Andriy Yusov, a spokesman for the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, said that traitors should surrender to Ukrainian justice for the sake of safety and protection of rights, emphasizing the risks of staying in the territory of the aggressor country.

Only cooperation with Ukrainian justice will guarantee the safety of traitors. This was stated by the spokesman of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine Andriy Yusov Andriy Yusov, a spokesman for the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, said this during a telethon, UNN reports.

For traitors, collaborators and war criminals, the safest way is to surrender to Ukrainian justice

- said Andriy Yusov.

The DIU spokesman emphasized that this would guarantee such persons respect for their rights, security and regular meals. At the same time, staying on the territory of the aggressor state will continue to be dangerous for them, as a just punishment will be meted out to every criminal, traitor and collaborator will be punished.

To recap

Yesterday, it became known that the SBU eliminated former MP Ilya Kiva. He was shot dead with a firearm. His body was found in a forest park in the Moscow region near the hotel where he lived.

SEE ALSO: Ukrainian traitors: Kiva, Medvedchuk, Kovalyov, Shepelev and others - some were killed, and some were practically released by judges