Rains and up to 28°C: weather forecast for today

Rains and up to 28°C: weather forecast for today

Kyiv  •  UNN


Rains are expected in the western and southern regions, and no precipitation in the rest of the country. The temperature at night will be 10-19°, during the day 19-28°. East wind, in some places with gusts up to 15-20 m/s.

Rains are expected in the western and southern regions of Ukraine today, while the rest of the country will have dry weather. The temperature will be 19-28°. This was reported to UNN by the Ukrainian Weather Center.


According to weather forecasters, on September 16, in most of the western and southern regions and in Crimea, it will be cloudy with clear skies, moderate, and at night in the Carpathians, Prykarpattia and Odesa regions, there will be some heavy rains; in the rest of the country, partly cloudy, no precipitation.

East wind, 7-12 m/s, in some places gusts of 15-20 m/s on the Left Bank.    

Temperatures will be 14-19° at night and 23-28° during the day; in the western regions 10-15° at night, 19-24° during the day, and 13-18° in Zakarpattia and Prykarpattia.

In Kyiv region

No precipitation. East wind, 7-12 m/s. Temperature in the region at night 14-19°, during the day 23-28°; in Kyiv at night 16-18°, during the day 25-27°.