Pope Francis calls for divestment from fossil fuels at UN climate summit

Pope Francis calls for divestment from fossil fuels at UN climate summit

Kyiv  •  UNN

December 2 2023, 11:35 PM  •  29183 views

Pope Francis called for action on climate change during a UN summit, advocating for divestment from fossil fuels. Health problems prevented him from attending the summit, but he expressed solidarity in a video message.

Pope Pope Francis  has urged participants in the UN climate summit to seek a to reach a crucial agreement to curb global warming, which includes involving divestment from fossil fuels, saying that the climate is "out of control." UNN reports this with reference to Reuters.

The 86-year-old Pope had planned to attend the conference, but inflammation of the lung inflammation forced him to stay in the Vatican. He addressed the attendees in a recorded video message.

"Unfortunately, I cannot be able to be present with you as I would have liked very much. Despite this, I am with you, because time is short," Francis said in his message.

"I am with you because. now more than ever, the future of all of us depends on the present that we are now choosing. I am with you because the destruction of the environment is an offense to God," Francis said. an affront to God," he said.

Francis has made environmental protection a major part of the social teaching of his 10-year papacy, writing two major documents on the topic, in in 2015 and in October of this year.