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Plus 850 occupants and 23 tanks: General Staff updates data on enemy losses

Since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine, Russian troops have lost approximately 449,250 personnel and 7,110 tanks.

War • April 9 2024, 04:46 AM  •  26361 views
Plus 850 occupants and 23 tanks: General Staff updates data on enemy losses

Shahid's fragments damage power line in Odesa region

During a nighttime alert, the air defense forces destroyed 20 drones over several regions, the wreckage of which damaged a private yard and cut a power line in Odesa district.

War • April 9 2024, 04:40 AM  •  31704 views
Shahid's fragments damage power line in Odesa region

56 combat engagements took place in the frontline - General Staff

Over the last day, 56 combat engagements took place, during which the enemy launched 4 missile attacks, 97 air strikes and 92 attacks from multiple launch rocket systems at Ukrainian positions and localities.

War • April 9 2024, 04:34 AM  •  27913 views
56 combat engagements took place in the frontline - General Staff

Aviation of the Defense Forces carried out 11 strikes against the enemy - General Staff

Over the last day, Ukrainian aviation conducted 11 strikes against the enemy, destroying 4 anti-aircraft missile systems and 7 areas of concentration of personnel, weapons and military equipment of the Russian troops.

War • April 9 2024, 04:16 AM  •  22855 views
Aviation of the Defense Forces carried out 11 strikes against the enemy - General Staff

Air Defense Forces destroy 20 of 20 Russian attack drones - Air Force

Ukrainian air defense forces successfully shot down all 20 Russian attack drones launched during the night attack on April 9.

War • April 9 2024, 03:44 AM  •  30715 views
Air Defense Forces destroy 20 of 20 Russian attack drones - Air Force

Occupants owe millions to employees of public institutions in Luhansk region - The Resistance Center

The occupiers in the Luhansk region owe more than 19 million occupation rubles in salaries to more than 2,500 employees of schools, kindergartens, museums and utilities since 2022.

Society • April 9 2024, 03:38 AM  •  104369 views
Occupants owe millions to employees of public institutions in Luhansk region - The Resistance Center

White House accuses Congress of Ukraine losing ground on the battlefield

The White House accuses Congress of inaction, which is causing Ukraine to lose ground on the battlefield, and calls for passage of a bill to provide aid to Ukraine.

War • April 9 2024, 03:23 AM  •  119572 views
White House accuses Congress of Ukraine losing ground on the battlefield

April 9: World Antiques Day, Muslims end the holy month of Ramadan

The culture of collecting originated in ancient Egypt. Antiques acquired the modern concept in the Renaissance - in the XV-XVI centuries.

UNN Lite • April 9 2024, 03:09 AM  •  29211 views
April 9: World Antiques Day, Muslims end the holy month of Ramadan

Six European countries signed the North Sea Security Pact

Six European countries - Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Great Britain, Denmark and Norway - have signed a pact to invest and cooperate in protecting critical infrastructure such as cables and oil and gas installations in the North Sea.

Economy • April 9 2024, 02:56 AM  •  77904 views
Six European countries signed the North Sea Security Pact

Iraq intends to launch an oil pipeline to supply Turkey in 10 years

Iraq is planning to repair the Kirkuk-Ceyhan oil pipeline to Turkey, which will allow it to export up to 350,000 barrels per day by the end of the month, which could cause tensions with the Kurdish authorities over control of oil revenues.

Economy • April 9 2024, 02:38 AM  •  31015 views
Iraq intends to launch an oil pipeline to supply Turkey in 10 years