Occupants seize Vodyane and advance in Hrodivka

Occupants seize Vodyane and advance in Hrodivka

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 8 2024, 11:09 PM  •  11482 views

Terrorists occupied the village of Vodiane and advanced to Hrodivka on the front line.

At the front, the invaders occupied Vodyane and advanced to Hrodivka. This is reported by DeepState, according to UNN.


According to the General Staff, the situation remains difficult in the Pokrovsk sector. Since the beginning of the day, 29 enemy offensives and assaults have been repelled in the areas of Zelene Pole, Vozdvyzhenka, Novotroitske, Hrodivka, Novohrodivka, Selidove, Marynivka and Mykhailivka.

Генштаб: на фронті відбулося 148 боєзіткнень на фронті, складна ситуація на Покровському напрямкуSeptember 8 2024, 10:28 PM • 10791 view