MI5: Russian intelligence aims to cause 'chaos on British and European streets' - BBC

MI5: Russian intelligence aims to cause 'chaos on British and European streets' - BBC

Kyiv  •  UNN

October 8 2024, 03:58 PM  •  7643 views

The head of MI5 warns of a threat from Russian intelligence aimed at creating chaos in Britain and Europe. The GRU is conducting arson, sabotage and other operations to destabilize the situation.

The head of the UK's domestic intelligence agency warns that Russian intelligence has set out to create “chaos on British and European streets.”  The UK may now be facing a serious multi-layered threat.

Writes UNN with a link to the British Broadcasting Corporation news service and CNN.

The head of MI5's internal security service, Director General of the Security Service (MI5) Ken McCallum, said that Russia's GRU intelligence agency continues “an ongoing mission to wreak havoc on British and European streets” by conducting operations that include “arson, sabotage and more.

MI5 has a huge job to do. The first 20 years of my career here were filled with terrorist threats... Now we face them alongside state-sponsored assassination and sabotage plots against the backdrop of a major ground war in Europe

- McCallum said.

He reminded that more than 750 Russian diplomats have been expelled from European countries since the start of the invasion of Ukraine. Most of them on charges of espionage.


Russia spreads a fake about detention of Ukrainian intelligence officers.

Poor preparation: British intelligence explains why russia accidentally bombs its own cities.

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