Kyiv region hosts first meeting between government and business in a new format: they discussed employee booking and taxes

Kyiv region hosts first meeting between government and business in a new format: they discussed employee booking and taxes

Kyiv  •  UNN

October 17 2024, 12:12 PM  •  6934 views

The Kyiv RMA management held an online meeting with 300 entrepreneurs as part of the Dialogue between Government and Business platform. They discussed issues of booking employees, attracting IDPs, and paying taxes.

In the Kyiv region, RMA management held its first meeting with entrepreneurs as part of the Dialogue between Government and Business platform. They discussed booking employees, hiring IDPs, and tax issues. This was reported by Ruslan Kravchenko, the head of the Kyiv RMA, UNN reports.


We held the first online meeting within the framework of the Dialogue between Government and Business platform. It was created on behalf of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy as part of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities. 300 business representatives attended. Almost 2 hours of frank conversation with representatives of the TCC, the Ministry of Defense, the tax office, and the employment center. Sharp questions, honest answers and joint work on finding mechanisms to solve problematic issues. And there are many of them under martial law

- Kravchenko said.

According to him, today entrepreneurs are most interested in such issues as the procedure for recognizing critical enterprises, booking employees, and cooperation with the TCC.

Businesses applying for criticality designation should clearly understand that criticality is not a protection against the CFT or an automatic booking mechanism. It is about the philosophy of preserving a business that is extremely important for the country

- the head of CRMA is convinced. 

He also noted that entrepreneurs were interested in the changes being prepared to the resolution on reserving persons liable for military service, filling vacancies, hiring IDPs to work at enterprises in remote communities, and paying taxes.

Such meetings will be held weekly - the next one is scheduled for next Wednesday, October 23. Once a quarter we will hold a regional forum.  This format is a powerful tool for joint work

- Ruslan Kravchenko emphasized. 


A platform for communication between government and business is being launched in Kyiv region. The goal is to promptly solve the problems of entrepreneurs and improve the economic climate of the region.