January and February should bring results: Zelensky announced the preparation of new agreements on security guarantees

January and February should bring results: Zelensky announced the preparation of new agreements on security guarantees

Kyiv  •  UNN

January 20 2024, 03:42 PM  •  29858 views

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy expects to sign new security assurance agreements with selected partners in January and February. These agreements will contribute to the creation of a new security assurance architecture by strengthening international law.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that he already sees specific dates when new and strong documents on security guarantees can be issued, UNN reports.

"We are preparing new agreements with partners - strong bilateral agreements. January and February should bring relevant results. We already see specific dates when new and strong documents can be signed," Zelenskyy said, speaking about security guarantees.

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According to the President, "with the entire architecture of security guarantees - the new architecture - we are actually bringing the system of international law back to life, reanimating it.

"And when justice is restored to Ukraine, when our security is restored, it will work for others in the world," the Head of State summarized.

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