Airplane crash in Brovary: five suspects face up to 10 years in prison

Airplane crash in Brovary: five suspects face up to 10 years in prison

Kyiv  •  UNN

November 28 2023, 01:12 PM  •  30526 views

Five officials of the State Emergency Service will stand trial for negligence that led to a plane crash that killed the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and face up to 10 years in prison.

Five officials of the who are suspects in the case of the death of the Interior Ministry leadership in a plane crash, will soon be brought to trial. This was announced during a telethon by communications adviser of the State Bureau of Investigation Tetiana Sapian, a UNN correspondent reports.

In order to to prove the guilt of the suspects, dozens of examinations were conducted, witnesses were interrogated witnesses, and investigative experiments were conducted. The day of the crash was reconstructed minute by minute, and to be 100 percent sure, foreign experts were involved, including a representative of a French including a representative of the French company that developed the helicopter

- said Sapian.

She recalled that five suspected SES officials accused of negligence and violation of negligence and violation of flight safety rules, will soon appear in court. courtroom. They are charged with negligence and violation of flight safety rules. They face up to 10 years in prison.

Details of the crash

In January of this year, Interior Minister Denys Monastyrskyi was scheduled to visit Kharkiv and and Dnipro regions. According to the SBI, contrary to internal instructions and legislation, the SES officials responsible for organizing the trip engaged a helicopter that was on duty and was supposed to to respond to potential threats in Kyiv and Kyiv region.

As a result of the investigation revealed that the aircraft did not have authorization to fly except in Kyiv and the region. In addition, the crew commander did not have the appropriate permits and certificates for flying in bad weather, and did not receive meteorological data for the entire planned route.

In the graphical reconstruction presented by the SBI shows that due to bad weather, the helicopter was was forced to fly low over the city of Brovary. When the crew commander suddenly saw a high-rise building suddenly saw a high-rise building in front of him, he sharply climbed up, which caused him to lose orientation in space in bad weather conditions. He tried to make a circling maneuver, but as it happened maneuver, but it so happened that after the helicopter had completed its flight, it crashed into a a kindergarten building. In addition to the helicopter's passengers and crew, a young child and four women were killed. a young child and four women who were in the kindergarten were killed. Injuries were sustained by 31 people, including 13 children.

SEE ALSO: Denis Monastyrsky was buried in Kyiv and his colleagues who died in the plane crash were buried in Kyiv