Frost is coming: weather forecast for today
Kyiv • UNN
Cloudy weather with temperatures ranging from -4 to +5°C and snowfall is expected in Ukraine. Ice is expected on the roads in most regions, and rain and sleet in the south and east.
Cool weather is expected on Thursday. Forecasters predict that it will snow in some regions. This was reported by the Ukrainian Weather Center, UNN reports.
According to forecasters, on December 12, Ukraine will have cloudy weather. We should expect light precipitation, mostly in the form of snow. Moderate rain with sleet is possible in the south and east of the country.

In most of the central and Kharkiv regions, there will be ice and sleet in some places at night. During the day, precipitation is not expected in the northern, western, Vinnytsia and Cherkasy regions. In Ukraine, except for the south and southeast, there will be ice on the roads on this day.
Northwest wind, 7-12 m/s. Temperature at night and during the day -4...+1 °C. In the south and southeast of the country, 0...+5 °C. In the highlands of the Carpathians, the forecast is -3...-8 °C at night and -1...-6 °C during the day.
The Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center has warned that severe frosts and snow are coming to Ukraine. Dry frosty weather is expected in some regions.
Weather in Kyiv
In the capital, cloudy weather will remain until the evening. The night snow will ease in the morning and should be over by mid-day.
During the day, the temperature is expected to be within -2°...-1°.
The wind will add to the cold with a speed of 7-12 m/s.
The atmospheric pressure will rise slightly, but will still be below normal, 747-750 millimeters of mercury.