Enemy shelling damages houses and a building of the State Emergency Service in a village in Kharkiv region

Enemy shelling damages houses and a building of the State Emergency Service in a village in Kharkiv region

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 22 2024, 05:21 AM  •  20766 views

At night, aggressor forces shelled the village of Chaikivka in Kharkiv region. Four residential buildings, an enterprise and a building of the State Emergency Service were damaged, information about the victims is being clarified.

At night in the Kharkiv region, enemy forces in one of the villages damaged residential buildings, an enterprise and a building of the State Emergency Service. This was reported  by Malodanylivka village head Oleksandr Hololobov, UNN reports.


At night in the Kharkiv region, one of the enemy's shelling hit the village of Chaikivka. The shells landed near a private building, causing significant damage. As a result, 4 residential buildings, an enterprise and a building of the State Emergency Service were damaged.

Relevant services are working at the scene of the incident, and information about the victims is being clarified.

Terrorists strike in Kharkiv region: houses are damagedSeptember 21 2024, 09:57 PM • 19156 views