Dead fin whale washed up on the coast of San Diego
Kyiv • UNN
A 16-meter-long carcass of a fin whale with no apparent cause of death was found on a San Diego beach; researchers are analyzing tissue samples to determine the cause.
A dead 16-meter fin whale washed up on a San Diego beach, officials said. officials said there were no obvious signs of the cause of his death. This was reported by the AR, UNN reports.
A young female whale was found on the beach.
Fin whales are the second largest whales in the world after blue whales. They can grow up to 24 meters and weigh about 50 tons.
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Research, fin whales are endangered, and their number off the the West Coast is about 8,000 individuals.
The researchers collected tissue samples and will analyze them to to try to determine the cause of the fin whale's death. They did not find any impacts from the ship on his body. were found on his body.